On Sunday mornings, we gather together to worship and give thanks for God’s mercy and grace in our lives. Our corporate worship time begins at 10:40 on Sunday mornings and our teaching is comprised both of biblical topical exposition and scriptural exegesis.

In order to be truly authentic, transformational, thoughtful, and missional, we have intentionally created a blend of contemporary, traditional, and liturgical worship elements. Specifically, our music incorporates the passion of modern worship songs and the richness of traditional hymns.

Online Services

For those unable to make it to our in-person service, our sermon is live-streamed on YouTube. Please note: The schedule for each Sunday service varies, so the exact start times of the live stream may be between 11 and 11:15 AM.

Children’s Church

During the teaching portion of our Sunday Morning worship service, children (Kindergarten to 5th grade) are dismissed for a time of active learning, geared towards younger hearts and minds. Here, they have an opportunity to participate in games, crafts, and a Bible lesson.

1100 Highland Avenue, Conway, PA 15027
Sundays 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM