SUNDAY 10:40am


SUNDAY 11:10am*

Our Mission

To live out our calling to engage the world as authentic image-bearers of Jesus Christ.

Our Community

An authentic and transparent body of believers dedicated to sharing the Gospel with our local community.

Our Ministries

We are committed to investing our resources as faithful stewards of God’s calling and provision for our church.

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday Service – April 13th at 10:40 AM
Celebrating the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem!

Elder’s Service and “Break the Fast” Dinner – April 16th at 6:30 PM
Sharing a meal to break our 24-hour prayer and fast. The dinner will be followed by a special message from one of our Elders.

Tenebrae Service – April 17th at 7 PM
A gradual descent from light to darkness to remember the somber events that occurred in Jesus’ life throughout Holy Week.

Lectio Devina Service – April 18th from 11 AM – 1 PM
A service of reflection and scripture readings to remember our Lord’s crucifixion.

Easter Egg Hunt – April 19th from 11 AM – 12:30 PM
A free event for children ages preschool-5th grade on our church property.

Resurrection Sunday Service – April 20th at 10:40 AM
A celebration of Jesus’ victory over death!

Why Our Church

You are part of our family from the moment you walk in.


Our church is a group of people who have graciously been called by God the Father into a right relationship through Jesus Christ. Our ultimate aspiration is to do the things that Jesus would do if he were us in the here and now. We endeavor to live out our calling to engage the world as authentic image-bearers of Jesus Christ. 

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