1. The angels who appeared to the shepherds:
    – Worshipped Jesus in Heaven
    – Were astounded at Jesus becoming man.
    – Knew what He was going to do.
  2. Perspective on the shepherds’ place in Jewish culture.
  3. Shepherds as a metaphor for the Great Shepherd.
  4. Parallel of the shepherds’ lambs to the Lamb of God
  5. Our call to be shepherds.

Verses to Study

Luke 2:8-15

Isaiah 55:1-7

Isaiah 42:16-17

John 10:11-15

Isaiah 40:11

Isaiah 53:2-6

John 1:29

Philippians 4:4-8


The Advent Drama
The Advent Drama
The Advent Drama: The Shepherds
1100 Highland Avenue, Conway, PA 15027
Sundays 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM